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Outline Question (Probably Simple) (7 posts)

  1. RaceDay
    Posted 18 years ago #


    Forgive me if this is something simple, and I cannot find the place to add this.

    The layout of the themes in the downloaded package are intended for low res (800 x 600) screens. That is perfect. For those on higher res, it leaves space on each side of the main area. That is great.

    What I want to do, is have a border around the main area of the page--around the header, main area, and footer, all one border...if you get what I mean. Picture as if you built it as a table and the content area of the page was within that table with a border.

    Is there a place to edit this or make this? OR do I have to paint it on in the images.

    For an example, go to, and you will see there is a yellow border around the content of the page (Built in a table)--I want to do the same thing here, but can't find where to do it.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. RaceDay
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Please disregard.

    I figured out a way to do it after I posted.


  3. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    You'd probably be better off building your own theme. And word of advice? Thery're phasing out table layouts (and by "they" I mean the people who desicde the HTML/CSS specs.)

    But the short answer to your question, is those yellow border are declared either in the stylesheet or with the table itself.

    ie: border=yellow.

  4. RaceDay
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Thanks for responding.

    Thats OK that they are phasing it out--it will give me the motivation to learn how to do it another way.

    Only reason I use tables--is because thats the way I learned. I realize I have to learn another way...

    Anyways--all I did was enclose page.php in a Something that obviously I will have to change in the future.

  5. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Well, a good thing to remember, especially if you are used to tables, is that in CSS, each div draws an invisible box around whatever.

    Do you use Firefox? They have a web developer extension and you can just click a menu item and it "draws" a border around each element on the page, making it really easy to see where they are.

  6. RaceDay
    Posted 18 years ago #

    No, I dont use FireFox...but, I think I will look into it, because thats sounds like a helpful little tool. Thanks!

  7. RaceDay
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I went back and did an outline with the DIV tags...and it worked, so I am on my

    Thanks again for your help and direction!

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