I'm using WPMU 2.6.2 and Sitewide tags (SWT) 0.3.1 and whenever I try to make a new blog post from any blog, I get hundreds of posts inserted into the tags blog.
I looked at the code and it seems to me that somehow there is an infinite loop happenening with the tags blog I updated recently from WPMU 2.6.1 and SWT 0.2. At that time the SWT plugin was working OK. Now, even when I revert to SWT 0.2 I still get an infinite loop... editing existing posts is fine.
When I deleted all the posts from the tags blog (emptied wp_x_posts, wp_x_postmeta and all wp_x_terms* tables) the plugin worked fine again, I could insert a new post without ending up in a loop...
Not sure what the problem could be here... anyone else have a similar problem after upgrading on an existing site?
**** UPDATE (20 minutes later :) ****
I just tried deleting all posts with post_status != 'publish' from the tags blog and lo & behold, it works fine again... fingers crossed it stays that way...