We moved our wpmu installation from windows to linux, copied mysql, copied apache directory, and everything works just fine but the custom header images. The custom-header images are not displayed and when we try to edit them going to any blog /wp-admin/themes.php?page=custom-header we get an error saying it's impossible to load the custom-header.
Anyone has any idea what is the problem? It's two days I am getting crazy searching for a solution... :-(
No idea without any more details, otherwise we're just guessing.
Got GD and ImageMagik enabled on the new server?
Nope, they are not, but neither they were installed on the old one. Or wpmu install them by default somehow?
What kind of details can I provide to you?
The file is there, the custom image loaded before on the old server, in dir: /var/www/html/blogs.dammela.it/wp-content/blogs.dir/11/files/2008/09
we have the header image loaded when everything was on the old server.
In the design manage panel of wpmu when we try to upload a new image
we get a page with only a white background box with the error "Can't load custom-header".
Did you check your error logs to see if they have any more info?
And no - WPMU can't install GD and ImageMagik. Those are server modules.