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Can WordPress MU run on a Windows Server 2008 server? (10 posts)

  1. nemmar
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Can WordPress MU run on a Windows Server 2008 server?

  2. VentureMaker
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Try and tell us if it does :)

  3. Frumph
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Yes WordPress MU will run on Windows Server 2008, the problem you will have is finding a good IIS URL Rewrite module for IIS7 that will handle the .htaccess file.

    However, if you use the brand new IIS7 URL Rewrite available at IIS.NET you can make a url-rewrite set using regexp's to handle the redirects.

    You won't be able to use 2008 without doing ^^ either, otherwise works fine.

    I actually have it up and running right now, using iis7 url rewrite from microsoft devs, which is a free module.

  4. bloggus
    Posted 16 years ago #


    Nice to hear that. I'm using isapi_rewrite on IIS6 for the moment and thought of maybe using that one also on II7, that I'm setting up next week.

    Have you tried to import the rules into the IIS7 URL Rewrite?? If so, did all rules work?

    ALso, have you tried the IIS Kernel Mode Caching?

  5. Frumph
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Yeah bloggus, you have to clean it up a little after importing but works like a charm when importing the rules., that's how I got it to work.

    The only problem *really* is that whatever rules that individual blog owners place for their robots and etc that change the .htaccess won't work; but i'm not bothered by that.

    I have it set up for .css .gif .jpg .js .png for user-mode cacheing; cache until change, but not using Kernel-Mode so no, haven't tested it. I guess I can do that.

    I do have it set for dynamic and static compression which is working nicely.

    I'm setting it up to work with comicpress themes by tyler martin; at the moment to have individual users use comicpress-manager (by john bintz) be able to have upload directories setup for their webcomics.

    I have *not* figured out how to do subdomain's on iis7 windows server 2008 yet (using godaddy routing) and am stuck with the other method at the moment.

  6. Frumph
    Posted 16 years ago #

    n/m I figured out how to do subdomains by having the url as the catchall default domain.

  7. Frumph
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Problem Found:
    File: wp-includes/script-loader.php
    Line: 216, 217

    The lines for wp-admin/wp-admin.css and wpadmin/rtl.css cannot find with the IIS7 redirect rules. /shrug/

    Fix: change it to /wp-admin/css/wp-admin.css and /wp-admin/css/rtl.css and move those two files into the css directory.

    Problem Found for iis7:
    File: wp-includes/wpmu-functions.php
    Line: 1353 function_install_blog_defaults

    It's not inserting the links and first hello world! post.
    It IS inserting the About page and fist comment however.

  8. robhough
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I'm kind of jumping in late here, but...

    We run WPMU on a W2K3 server with Apache, PHP, MySQL downloaded and installed individually, and it runs great for us. We are a school system, so the Windows licensing is very inexpensive for us. I see no reason to try to run WPMU on IIS, even on Windows, with Apache immediately at the ready. I think the same should apply to 2008.


  9. zanfardinom
    Posted 15 years ago #


    What is the setup process for windows server 2003? We had WPMU running on a linux box, but we had to move to a Windows server with Apache, PHP and MySQL. I have imported our old database and everything is there. I am having problems with the link. This time I installed WPMU in the root instead of in a folder called "wordpressmu". Our URL stayed the same, subdomain.domain.tld for the main admin blog. When users create an account it changes to subdomain.subdomain.domain.tld. This is not working. Do I need to setup wild cards and if so, how do I do this on windows.

    Things that work:
    I can login using an account if I go to /wp-login.php along with change things and add new post. But, nothing happens when I try to preview the post.

    Here's the error I get when trying to view the post...

    Not Found
    The requested URL /2009/05/21/this-is-a-test-post-on-windows-server-2003/ was not found on this server.

    Any thoughts/suggestions?


  10. expat
    Posted 15 years ago #

    whats the secret to win2003/php/apache for mu?

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