I tried to install WPMU on my hosts' Windows (http://www.mordamus.com/webhosting/index.htm) server but i run into a few problems
HTTP Error 500 because of the .htaccess
if i'd remove .htaccess wpmu would word but users
wouldn't be able to create blogs
Is there a way to update or replace .htaccess to get it to work on this server?
Obviously i can't edit the server/host so.. any ideas?
Posted 16 years ago #
Get a Linux host - this is the best way
Posted 16 years ago #
WPMU works fine with Windows IIS6/IIS7 if php is configured properly and you use rewrite software, like isapi-rewrite version 3 (not a free software!). It can be found here: isapirewrite.com
Without a rewrite software that is compatible with apache mod-rewrite it will NOT work.
Basically you have to have a flexible host or you really have to have your own server for that. Hosting companies will seldom work.