Posted 16 years ago #
I notice the double slash public_html//wp-config.php
May I know if this is correct? What should I change?
Domain Mapping
Please uncomment the line //define( 'SUNRISE', 'on' ); in your /home/USERNAME/public_html//wp-config.php
I installed MU in root.
To uncomment means to REMOVE thsoe double slashes at the beginning of that line.
Posted 16 years ago #
Hi Andrea,
I know to uncomment is to remove the slashs in wp-config.php.
What I am asking is, before I uncommented the part in wp-config.php, the domain mapping page showed the above error message and it shows an extra trailing slash in the error message.
public_html//wp-config.php part.
Thank you.
It may be a typo.
unless you mean it's showing up on your own install?
But I'm pretty sure that error message is hardcoded in the plugin.