OK, I am sorry I need help here, I am severely frustrated trying to learn this. Please use the link above for reference.
All I am simply trying to do is create a three column layout. I am not worried about the content right now--I will worry about that later.
I have the column on left (top left on this example). This is named sidebar2.php, and references for positioning in style.css are labeled as such.
I have the column in the middle (middle on example, below sidebar2.php), which is the content, I want in the middle column.
I have sidebar.php as the sidebar on the right (which is below the content, to the right.
I cannot for the life of me get them to appear right. Can someone please help me with this, I am so darn used to just using tables, that I can't get a grip on this--and when I do use tables--it completely screws up the css.