you can see the, i have the same problem,
Warning: constant() [function.constant]: Couldn't find constant VHOST in /home/****/public_html/ on line 33
No WPMU site defined on this host. If you are the owner of this site, please check Debugging WPMU for further assistance.
when i want install the wpmu in my shared hosting in add on domain, in this case, in my root /home/****/public_html/, i install a wordpress,
i search in the google. and the end a find the way/trick to resolve the problem, (I have found this case when i do its the same in localhost), i rename the file wp-config.php of the wordpress in the root to another, for example wp-config1.php, and then lets go to install the wpmu on the addon domain, after this installation wpmu finish, don't forget to the rename wp-config1.php to wp-config.php
for example, i success install wpmu in (addon domain), and is the sub directory