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Plugin to automatically show network wide ads? (4 posts)

  1. Success
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Is there a plugin to automatically show network wide ads?

    I mean, setting the ads in the main admin and the ads show up on all our MU blogs?

  2. phlux0r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I asked this question a while ago in reference to using the WP AdSense plugin in the mu-plugins dir. I ended up making modifications to this plugin to only show for the site admin on the main blog so only they can set up ads.

    Then I set up a number of widget positions for the ads on the main blog. I have one main theme and one theme for all other blogs. In the other blogs theme I created a function to grab the contents of a particular ad widget from the main blog (that was a bit of a challenge) and just display it in the blog sidebar.

    I did it like this since I wanted the site admin to allow to put in any number of say 125x125 ads into a widget and display them all at once.

    Alternatively, you can create a function to retrieve a particular ad or series of ads from the AdSense plugin which is easier.

  3. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I had been working on a really simple ad plugin for MU. required a theme edit though, but int he end, the site admin has a text box they can stick any kind of ad management script and - presto, shows on all blogs.

    Hmm, I should fix it.

  4. tdjcbe
    Posted 15 years ago #

    One of our clients just added the advert to the admin bar plugin as theirs displays all of the time if the visitor is logged in our not. Had to give it a bigger height of course.

    The plus to that was that if they wanted to change it at any time, it was just a simple one file fix. And they could also change it to seasonal stuff, internal adverts, messages to hosts about *cough* moving datacenters, and the like.

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