Hi to all.
My name is Enrique.
I´ve seen you have some problems with the combination "PLUGIN COMMANDER" and "NEXTGEN GALLERY".
I spent some hours "debugging" the code and i found a fast solution.
The problem of that compatibility on the NEXTGEN case, is that the plugin checks "current_user_can('activ...plugins')... that cannot be evaluated correctly when let´s say the blog is in a "batch" process. (Creation from registration, or Admin creation).
So: Wanna solve it? MAKE THIS ON YOUR OWN RISK.
Instructions: MODIFY just 2 LINES FROM FILE: ngginstall.php of the nextgen plugins folder.
Just add this //, to the lines 2 lines below "//Check for capability" (Lines 9 and 10) of the last version of that plugin.
function nggallery_install () {
global $wpdb , $wp_roles, $wp_version;
// Check for capability
// if ( !current_user_can('activate_plugins') )
// return;
Pls: Reply me with your feedback.
Worked? Want to thank me a lot?? haha. paypal me to: admin@headhunterfinder.com some cents ;)