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Populate a form (11 posts)

  1. realsol
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I am creating a plug-in that allows the users to create their own post. I have seen other plug-in's but they really didn't do what I was looking for.

    I got the posting down, but am having a problem trying to populate my form to let them edit their posts. When they want to edit the post, I pull the content from get_post and send it to the form they used when creating the post. I am doing this by passing the content as a standard HTTP post. I urlencode it first, since the post content appears to have line feeds, and then populate the form. But I am getting all sorts of encoded char. Like '\' is front of commas, and <br \> tags within the multi line edit box.

    I tried to urldecode the strings when they came in but that didn't do anything.

    How can I get rid of these before populating the form or is there a better way?


  2. realsol
    Posted 16 years ago #


    I am basically just trying to populate a multi-line form with the contents of a post and not display the
    and <p> but instead just have them displayed to the user as line feed. No need to confuse them.

    Thanks again.

  3. realsol
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Ok. Here is what I tried:

    <?php $content = strip_tags(stripslashes(get_the_content())); ?>
    <form action="">
    <textarea name="test" rows="50" cols="65">
    <?php echo $content; ?>

    After running the code, I am getting them in the form, but only [p] and [/p]. After running a ord() on the character positions, I found they don't exist in the string. They must be a line break and the multi-line form is somehow doing some sort of HTML Encoding to the string when it see's a line break.

    Is there a way to set the HTML multi-line form edit field to not do this, but in turn just display a line feed as a line feed?


  4. realsol
    Posted 16 years ago #

    As a side not, when I display the form outside of Wordpress, I don't get the <p> and </p> codes. Only happens in wordpress.

  5. dsader
    Posted 16 years ago #

    See note on get_the_content vs. the_content:

    $content = apply_filters('the_content', $content);

    But why not simply?$content = the_content();

    Using urlencode to html_entity_decode?

  6. realsol
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Thanks. I'll take a look. Don't know if it makes a difference or not, but I am getting the contents from add_filter('the_content', 'myrecipe_filter_post');

    When I examine the line, it contains ascii characters for line feeds, which is what I want to have when I fill in the form. But when I fill in the form (it is a standard multi edit field in a standard html form, the <p>'s and
    automatically replace the line feeds that wordpress gives me in the content.

    This only happens if I display the form on a wordpress page. If I display the form in blank page, outside of wordpress, and fill the form the same way, the <p>'s and
    do not be inserted.

    I know it might be confusing, but I am sure someone that has worked with populating forms inside a wordpress page has ran into this also.

    I'll take a look at the above references for hints.

  7. realsol
    Posted 16 years ago #

    OK. From my reading, it looks like wpautop is the problem. At least I am guessing, since the paragraph tags and line break tags only get inserted if the form is displayed on a WordPress page.

    Like I said, it is populated properly when outside of Wordpress.

    I have seen some Form Plugins that don't have the tags embedded in default form text, but looking at one of them, TDO mini forms, I can't see why it displays default text without the tags being embedded.

    Still, any other idea's. I know someone has had this problem before.

    Thanks again.

  8. dsader
    Posted 16 years ago #

    You mean apply_filter('the_content', 'myrecipe_filter_post'); ?

  9. realsol
    Posted 16 years ago #

    No, this is being run as a plugin. I am hooking into the 'the_content' filter using add_filter('the_content', 'myrecipe_filter_post'), so I am getting the content straight from WordPress.

    Like I said, WordPress is not giving me any tags, but straight line feed's. I didn't see them at first until I used php's ord() on each character in the string and found the line feeds. At first I was trying to just strip them out, since I figured they were in there because they show as if they are when echo'ed back out. But after strpos() failed finding them, i dug deeper with ord() to find the actual #10 character was being returned.

    My problem is when I try to set the default text in the edit box to the string, I then get the tags displayed. This only happens in WordPress pages. If the form is populated outside of WordPress, the form doesn't show any tags. I believe this is due to the wpautop running at the last minute before displaying the form.

    I need to populate the form in a WordPress page that doesn't convert the linefeed ASCII character (#10) to <code
    and double line feeds to <p>'s and </p>'s . There has to be a way to do this. Right?

  10. realsol
    Posted 16 years ago #

    OK. Got it to work. But I don't know how, :).

    I was playing around with the the apply_filters(). I looked over you links and also opened up some code for TDO mini forms. I noticed it too was using apply_filters() but in this manner, $content_content = wp_filter_post_kses($content_content), where $content_content was their content they read. They also used apply_filters('the_content', strip_tags($content_content,$options['allowable-tags']).

    So, I tried to apply this to my content that I just read like $direction .= apply_filters('the_content', $direction). Well, this just added the correct formatting I was looking for but keeping my old tagged formating. I guess .= adds to the variable. Didn't know about the .=. Can you tell I am new to all of this.

    Anyhow, I noticed that other portions of my form had their tags stripped, even though I only applied it to the $directions variable. So I started to wonder, and added this to my code.

    $my_post = get_post($_REQUEST['recipe_id']);
    apply_filters('the_content', $my_post->post_content);

    This seemed to strip out all of the tags from my form. Not real sure why since I didn't apply it to a variable. It is my guess, since I am in the loop that when you use apply_filters() it applies it to all of the content withing the current post you are in, thus stripping out my tags within my form.

    Am I right?

    I mean I am glad it is working, though I would like to understand why.

    Thanks again for pointing me in the right directions.

  11. realsol
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Oh, and I was wrong, I am calling php code from within my page, not within the loop with add_filter('the_content', 'myrecipe_filter_post'). 2 separate files. The one in the loop does the formatting of the recipe card, the one that fills the form is called within the page itself. Sorry 'bout that.

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